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Friday, December 25, 2015

Akshaya Thrithiya Kanakadhara

Akshaya Thrithiya Kanakadhara Yajnam will be held at Sri Krishna Temple in 7th May 2016 onwards.

The yajnam is held in remembrance of the legend that there was a rain of golden gooseberries when Sri Sankaracharya recited slokas after seeing the plight of a Brahmin lady living in abject poverty. The lady was upset as she could only provide gooseberries as alms to Sri Sankaracharya when he visited her house. Seeing her plight, Sri Sankaracharya was moved and he recited slokas addressing Lakshmi Devi. It is believed that golden gooseberries fell when Sri Sankaracharya completed the 19th sloka. The chief priest of the ceremony will be the senior-most member of Swarnathu Mana. Sri Sankaracharya is believed to have recited the 19 slokas while visiting this house.
Kappilli Sreekumar Namboodiri, managing trustee of Sri Krishna Temple, said that all arrangements have been made for devotees to participate in the yagnam. The yajnam will conclude on May 11. More details about the yajnam can be had on Phone: 9388862321; 9349553051 Website:www.srikrishnatemplekalady.org.