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संस्कृतपठनेन बुद्धि: वर्धते इति मतिमुन्नीय गवेषका:॥ व्यावहारिकप्रयोगैः संस्कृतं राष्ट्रियभाषा भवितव्या - डॉ. बलदेवानन्दसागरः।

Social Midea

JOB Vacancy

Sanskrit Teacher
आश्रमस्य छात्रानां कृते वेद-व्याकरणविषये एकः आवासिकः शिक्षकःप्रयोजनम् । Add-Nabadwip,Nadia,west Bengal. 10,000/-p.m, विवरणी प्रेषयन्तु- srigurukarunaniketan@gmail.com Ph.no-9732454849


Sanskrit teacher wanted in Gulf Oman ...interview wl be online....pls forward ur biodata...to indschool2015@gmail.com


BAMS Doctors

Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Hospital invites application from 5 year & above experienced qualified BAMS doctors with good exposure to In Patient handling. salary 25000/(Twenty five thousand)4 yrs experienced doctors may also apply. forward resume to... adminnac@nagarjunaayurveda.com phone number 99 61 88 32 54


*Vacancy for Sanskrit in Inventure Academy at Sarjapura Whitefield Main Road, Near Dommasandra Circle, Bangalore.

Contact Details:
Mail your resume to varsha@inventureacademy.com Or contact HR(Mrs.Varsha) at 09448936679
Apply before 15th April 2016.
Salary will be as per industrial best Or max. 4 lakh p.a.
*Message received from unauthorized person please confirm is it correct.


Indian Army JCO Recruitment 2016 Religious Teachers (85 Vacancies)

Indian Army invites applications from eligible male candidates for recruitment of Religious Teachers in Indian Army as Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) for RRT 80, 81 and 82 courses. Regimental / Unit religious institutions. Their duties also include attending funerals, ministering to the sick in hospitals, reading prayers with the convalescents, visiting soldiers undergoing sentence, giving special religious instructions to the children and enlisted boys besides attending generally to the religious institutions and welfare of the Officers, Soldiers and their families. The online registration start from 1st December 2015 and close on 31st December 2015.
Total Vacancies
Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regiments
Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts
Bodh Monk (Mahayana)
Age Limit:
Civilian Candidates -> 27 to 34 years as on 01 Jan 2016 (Candidates born between
01 Jan 1982 and 01 Jan 1989).
Serving Combatants on Remusteration -> 25 to 34 years as on 01 Jan 2016
(Candidates born between 01 Jan 1982 and 01 Jan 1991).
Educational Qualifications: The minimum educational qualification for appointment to Junior Commissioned Officers (Religious Teacher) will be Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university. In addition to this they must also possess following qualification according to the religious denomination of the individual :-
(a) Pandit - Hindu candidates with Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi or
equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. (OR) Those who have passed BA with Sanskrit / Hindi as one of the elective (Main) subjects but have not done Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi.
(b) Granthi - Sikh Candidates with Vidwan in Punjabi or equivalent standard in the
regional language concerned (OR) Those who have passed BA with Punjabi as one of the elective (main) subjects but have not done Vidwan in Punjabi.
(c) Padre - Christian candidates who have been ordained priesthood by the appropriate
ecclesiastical authority and are still on the approved list of the local Bishop.
(d) Budhist - Budhist (Mahayana) candidates who have been ordained Monk/Budhist
Priest, by the Appropriate Authority. The term Appropriate Authority will mean Head Priest of the Monastery where the person has been initiated into priesthood. The head priest should be in possession of Geshe (Ph.D) of Khanpa or Lopon or Rabjam with proper
certificate from Monastery.
(e) Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regiment - Hindu (Gorkha) candidates with Madhyama
in Sanskrit. (OR) Bhushan in Hindi or equivalent standard in the Nepali Language. (OR) Those who have passed BA with Sanskrit / Hindi as one of the elective (Main) subjects but have not done Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi.
(f) Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts - Muslim Shia ladakh personnel candidates with Maulvi Alim in Arabic, Adib Alim in Urdu or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. (OR) Those who have passed BA with Arabic/Urdu as one of the elective (Main) subject but who have not done Maulvi Alim in Arabic/ Adib Alim in Urdu.
Medical Standards:
(a) A candidate should have robust physique and mental health, chest should be well developed having minimum 5 cm expansion, should have normal hearing with each ear, should have sufficient number of natural teeth, i.e. 14 dental points with healthy gums. Should not have diseases like deformity of bones, hydrocele, varicose veins or piles.
(b) Candidates may contact nearest recruiting office / zones of the advertisement for existing rules on acceptable medical standards.
Physical Standards:
Minimum Standard
Height (Cms)
160 (157 for Pandit (Gorkha)&Maulvi (Shia))
Chest (Cms)
Weight (Kg)
50 (48 for Pandit (Gorkha)
Physical Fitness Test
Candidate should be able to run 1600 meter in 08 minutes
Selection Process: Written Examination and Interview. The Screened candidates will be put through written examination which will be conducted on 28th February 2016 and will comprise of two papers:-
(a) PAPER- I (Maximum Marks - 100) - This paper will contain objective type questions on
general awareness and will be common to candidates of all Religious denominations. Pass
marks 40%.
(b) PAPER- II (Maximum Marks - 100) - This paper will contain objective question to check the knowledge specific to particular religious denomination to which the candidate belongs. In paper II candidates are required to secure a minimum of 40 marks out of total 100 marks and come in the merit list to be eligible for appearing in the interview. The number of candidates to be called for interview will be 3 (three) times the number of vacancies. Only those candidates who come in the merit will be interviewed by a board of officers at the nominated Regimental Centre.
(c) The candidates declared successful in the written examination and short listed for interview will be communicated about the interview dates by e-mail/ SMS/ Post through self addressed envelopes and the list will also be displayed at their respective HQ Recruiting Zones by 30 Mar 2016.
(d) Candidates are required to secure a minimum 50 out of 100 marks to qualify in the interview.
(e) The final selection will be based on merit list drawn on the basis of the total marks obtained in Paper II and Interview.
(f) The list of finally selected candidates will be displayed at their respective HQ Recruiting Zones by 04 May 2016. Recruiting organization will not be responsible for non receipt of communication due to postal errors and incorrect / incomplete address furnished by the candidates.
(g) Candidates finally selected will be enrolled as JCO (RT) and will undergo six weeks training at Regimental Centre followed by eleven week training at Institute of National Integration, Pune.
(h) Rejection can take place at any stage during training also.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates are required to Apply online. The Online Registration close on 31/12/2015 at 17:00 Hours.
Detailed Notification >> Apply Online >>


जनम्  T V   वार्त्तासंस्कृतम् @ 5 PM 

वार्ताविभागस्य अनुवादविभागे जनाः अपेक्ष्यन्ते।
संस्कृतभाषाया विना दोषम् अनुवादकार्यनिपुणः भवेत्। सरलसंस्कृतेन प्रयोगविदग्धः भवेत्। वार्ता लेखनशैलीं जानीयात्। लेखनशैली उत्तमा भवेत्। उच्चराणशुद्धता भवेत्।  संस्कृतमलयालटड़्कणं वेगेन शक्नुयात्। शब्दाड़्कन - दृश्यमिश्रणविषयेषु च तत्परः भवेत्। मलयालभाषापरिज्ञानी भवेत्।  सड़्कणकप्रयोगपटुः भवेत्। सोमवासरतः शुक्रवासरपर्यन्तं  स्वव्यवस्थायां तिरुवनन्तपुरे स्थातुं शक्नुयात्।  इच्छावलः  स्वविवरणेन सह अनूदितायाः कस्याश्चित् वार्तायाः प्रतिकृतिं संयोज्या अस्मिन् ई संड़्केते प्रेषयन्तु। E Mail : sudheeshos@gmail.com ईषमाणं दैनिकीं वेदनं च पत्रे सूचयन्तु।


संस्कृतसेवकेभ्यः सुवर्णावसरः ।
नदिल्ली -भारतभूषा संस्कृतभाषा, जनभाषा भवेत् इत्यस्याः सङ्कल्पनायाः साफल्याय राष्ट्रियसंस्कृतसंस्थानेन सञ्चाल्यमानायां अनौपचारिकसंस्कृतशिक्षणयोजनायां बहूनां सुसंस्कृतशिक्षकाणां नियुक्तिः क्रियमाणा वर्तते । 
अधिकविवरणार्थं sanskrit.nic.in 


Ayurveda graduates
Ayurveda graduates with good Sanskrit knowledge required for ONGC project through Sanskrit promotion foundation to prepare text books, audio visual teaching materials for Sanskrit through Ayurveda ana Ayurveda through Sanskrit. Full time job for a period of one year. Salary 30 000/- to 40000/- per month. Contact- Dr. Raghurama Bhatta U.  9342573427/ 7667557912
E.mail: drraghuram@yahoo.com.


Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2015 Lower Division Clerk

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University) invites applications form Indian Nationals belonging to Persons with Disabilities (PWD) (Orthopaedically Handicapped) for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) in Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (RSkS) Headquarters, New Delhi on Regular basis by Direct Recruitment under Special Recruitment Drive for PwDs. The closing date for receipt of applications is 6th December 2015.
Name of the Post
No of Vacancies
Age limit
Pay Scale
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
01 (PwD (OH))
18 to 27 Years as on 30/11/2015
PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 + ₹ 1900 GP
Educational Qualifications:
(1) Essential - Atleast 12th Class or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.
(2) Working knowledge of Hindi. Skill test norms on Computer: English typing @ 35 w.p.m., Hindi typing @ 30 w.p.m. (time allowed 10 minutes) (35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word.) (3) Desirable - Knowledge of Sanskrit. B.A. or equivalent with Sanskrit as one of the subjects.
Selection Process: Skill Test / Interview.
How To Apply: The prescribed application form duly completed should be addressed to "THE REGISTRAR, RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT SANSTHAN (DEEMED UNIVERSITY), 56-57, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, JANAKPURI, NEW DELHI-110058" and sent by Registered / Speed Post only. Envelope containing application should be superscribed as "Application for the post of Lower Division Clerk, PwD (OH)"on Top Right Hand corner of the envelope. The Last date of receipt of application is 06/11/2015.
Detailed Advertisement >> Download Application Form >>

Read more: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2015 Lower Division Clerk http://www.indgovtjobs.in/2015/04/rashtriya-sanskrit-sansthan-recruitment.html#ixzz3tXcureXR